With the introduction of the new Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code (so-called CCII), as of 15th July 2022, an updated version of the regulations on bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings has come into effect. This regulatory text, introduced by Legislative Decree no. 14/2019, was subject to two major interventions by Legislative Decree no. 147/2020 (first) and Legislative Decree no. 83/2022 (subsequently); also in order to transpose the measures set forth in the so-called Insolvency Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1023).
The CCII contains the rules and regulations relating to the detection and instruments to deal with crisis situations or insolvency on the debtor’s part; whether it be the consumer, the professional, or the entrepreneur (of any commercial, artisanal or agricultural activity, even if it is a non-profit activity). This is achieved by setting up warning and prevention mechanisms, as well as measures and procedures aimed at managing (and hopefully overcoming) economic and financial crisis conditions.