From a survey by Statista (*), for “Il Sole 24 Ore”, the Torcello Law Firm is among 531 Italian Law Firms most reported by Customers, Colleagues and Corporate Lawyers.
In reference to the sector in which our Firm is more focused, the tax one, we find among the 32 realities reported at national level.
We thank all our Customers, Colleagues and Corporate Lawyers who supported us for this result.
The survey was published Mondey 13 May on the pages of the “Il Sole 24 Ore” Special, accompanied by a broad and in-depht analysis of the 8 reference sectors.
(*) Statista is a German company specialized in market analysis and data collection and processing.
The informations above must be considered in according to article 17 of Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers and, in any case, not animated by comparative purposes.